Highly Optimised Trading System
SKYLARK™ - An advanced algorithmic trading system for the preservation, accumulation, and proliferation of investment capital.
SKYLARK™ comprises highly optimised analytical strategies, actively trading global futures on major licensed exchanges worldwide via colocated servers in direct proximity to the exchange matching engines.
The tried and tested strategies which comprise SKYLARK™ have been developed through extensive investigations and analyses.
SKYLARK™ seeks to generate and compound positive investment returns by exploiting short-term price fluctuations, executing both long and short trades, buying and selling positions outright on an intra-day basis, at optimal times and prices.
Prudent Funds Management
Specialised funds management, actively overseeing the deployment of SKYLARK™ via prudent investment systems.
The SKYLARK™ trading system is proprietary to
Lanleigh® Capital Pty Ltd (ABN 19 604 537 260), an investment management company specialising in trading and investing in global futures, and whose proficiency stems from more than 25 years of practical experience.
Lanleigh® Capital conceived, produced, and developed the SKYLARK™ trading system and its related algorithms in their entirety. It devised and actively manages the SKYLARK™ Funds in which it implements the trading system exclusively for and on behalf of investors, with a focus to capital preservation and proliferation.
High Performance Objective
The ultimate objective of SKYLARK™ is the generation of exceptional investment returns that consistently outperform.
Regardless of the nature, direction, volatility, or performance of the market or the economy, SKYLARK™ pursues absolute, distinctly-high investment returns that considerably and consistently outperform underlying markets and other investment alternatives, through the consistent generation of positive returns.
In SKYLARK™, investment returns have the potential to proliferate exponentially as the nature and frequency of its trading supports the compounding of positive returns.
Ultimately, SKYLARK™ seeks maximum capital proliferation each quarter and over the long-term in general, and on a safer, more efficient, and more consistent basis than other investment prospects. The objective is to high returns not typical of a risk averse profile, while striving to maintain one at all times.
Progressive Investment Solution
Diversifying and incorporating SKYLARK™ into your investment portfolio could help optimise your allocation of capital.
Modern Portfolio Theory demonstrates that investment results can be significantly enhanced by choosing an optimal combination of both high and low risk/return investments, rather than investing only in low risk investments (Markowitz, 1952). This is supported by many academic studies of the effects of combining traditional asset classes with alternative investments such as Managed Futures (Lintner, 1983; Abrams et al., 2014).
Being a highly adaptive Managed Futures investment system which exploits both long and short strategies, SKYLARK™ represents a prospect for investors seeking to mitigate risk by diversifying their portfolio to include a combination of different asset classes and alternative investments, especially when the outlook for equity or bond markets is uninspiring.
By design, SKYLARK™ pursues an investment objective that is purposely uncorrelated with the market. Rather, it seeks consistent, absolute, above-market returns on a perpetual basis, in order to capitalise on any market dynamic - whether a rising, falling, generally flat, slow or fast moving, trending or volatile market is prevalent. Combining SKYLARK™ to an existing investment portfolio comprising other asset groups may provide a substantial hedge against underperforming markets (such as during periods of inflationary pressure and rising interest rates), thereby reducing risk and enhancing overall returns.
More Info: Compelling Reasons to Allocate to Managed Futures.
Advanced Investing
Investment Profile Choices
Manage the level of risk and potential reward associated with your investment in SKYLARK™ by choosing from a variety of Investment Profiles each month to suit you, ranging from Ultra Conservative to Ultra Aggressive.

Online Account Access
As an investor in SKYLARK™, you will have secure online access to your investment account where you can also track and view a detailed summary of the current ongoing and historical performance of your investment.